Saturday started out with me working for a couple of hours in the morning then my mom called and invited us to go riding at sand mountain with them so we left right when i got off and headed out. It was alot of fun gabby loved the sand. we didnt stay out there very long cause gabby was tired. when we were just getting back into town i called laura to see what she was doing and we ended up going out to her house for dinner. there was laura and chad, kyle and mikki jenson, and me and kelly. it was alot of fun watching the kids play kyson (kyle and mikkis boy) kept us laughing the whole time he would just jump off of everything and usually have a hard landing but the more we laughed the more they did. its kinda fun to watch how they all play together.

Gabby and dad playing in the sand.

she would just lay in it it was so funny.

Deegan, Kyson, and Gabby playing they are all within 2 months in age

Deegan was posing for me he just sat there and said cheese.

Gabby playing the sax. She was the princess of the group.